iconEuler Examples

Runge's Counterexample

Polynomial interpolation does not always converge to the interpolated function with increasing number of points. In fact, it can be shown with methods of functional analysis, that for any scheme of interpolation points

Runges Counterexample

there is a continuous function such that the interpolation does not converge.

Runge gave a counterexample for equi-spaced points.

>function f(x) &= 1/(1+5*x^2)
                               5 x  + 1

We interpolate

Runges Counterexample

in points

Runges Counterexample

We use Newton's divided differences.

>xp=linspace(-1,1,40); yp=f(xp); dd=divdif(xp,yp);

Now, we plot

into one plot.

>plot2d("f(x)",color=blue,r=1); ...
 plot2d(xp,yp,points=true,style="+",add=true,color=red); ...

Runges Counterexample

It becomes clear that something weird happens towards the ends of the interval.

Here is the error function.


Runges Counterexample

The error is quite small in the interior part of the interval.


Runges Counterexample

To understand this, we need to consider a special interpolation formula.

We assume, we have interpolation points

Runges Counterexample

>xp=linspace(-1,1,5); // thus n=5

Then we define a function

Runges Counterexample

>function map om(x) := prod(x-xp)

Now we claim that

Runges Counterexample

is the interpolating polynomial of degree n to the function

Runges Counterexample

In fact, p interpolations in the zeros of omega, and it is a polynomial of degree n.

>function p(x) := (1-om(x)/om(a))/(a-x)

Let us test this by interpolating

Runges Counterexample

in 6 equispaced points. We plot the error function.

>a=2; plot2d("1/(a-x)-p(x)",-1,1):

Runges Counterexample

The error gets larger, if we push the point a closer to the interval.

>a=1.2; plot2d("1/(a-x)-p(x)",-1,1):

Runges Counterexample

With a little computation, we see

Runges Counterexample

>function R(x) := om(x)/((a-x)*om(a))
>a=1.1; xp=linspace(-1,1,20); plot2d("R(x)",-1,1):

Runges Counterexample

Let us compute the error in the last interval.


What has this to do with Runge's example?

In fact, we can write the Runge function as the difference of two function of the type we just studied, scaled by a constant.

>&1/(x-I/a)-1/(x+I/a), &ratsimp(%)
                              1       1
                            ----- - -----
                                I       I
                            x - -   x + -
                                a       a

                                2 I a
                               2  2
                              a  x  + 1

Thus we can simply subtract the two interpolations. It turns out that one is minus the conjugate of the other, so we can simply study the convergence behavior of the interpolation of

Runges Counterexample

Thus the convergence depends solely on the behavior of

Runges Counterexample

for n to infinity. We plot the omega in the complex plane, and include the interval [-1,1], where x is, and the point

Runges Counterexample

Since omega grows very fast, we take the logarithm.

>plot2d("log(abs(om(x+I*y)))",r=1.2,>contour,levels="thin"); ...
 plot2d([-1,1],[0,0],thickness=3,color=red,add=true); ...

Runges Counterexample

If we inspect this image closely, we see that the level lines of log(|omega|) through the points a end inside the interval [-1,1].

To study the behavior for n to infinity, we observe that

Runges Counterexample

We can compute this integral exactly. The result is a long expression.

>function G(a,b) &= integrate(log((x-a)^2+b^2)/2,x,-1,1)|ratsimp
              ! 2    2          !                ! 2    2          !
       (a log(!b  + a  + 2 a + 1!) + (1 - a) log(!b  + a  - 2 a + 1!)
        2    2                      a + 1           a - 1
 + log(b  + a  + 2 a + 1) + (2 atan(-----) - 2 atan(-----)) b
                                      b               b
               2    2
 + I atan2(0, b  + a  - 2 a + 1) - 4)/2

Let us plot this in the same way as above.

>plot2d("re(G(x,y))",r=1.2,>contour,levels="thin"); ...
 plot2d([-1,1],[0,0],thickness=3,color=red,add=true); ...

Runges Counterexample

Here is an image with the level line through a only.

>plot2d("re(G(x,y))",r=1.2,level=re(G(0,1/sqrt(5)))); ...
 plot2d([-1,1],[0,0],thickness=3,color=red,add=true); ...

Runges Counterexample

Again, the level line through a passes through the interval [-1,1]. We can compute

Runges Counterexample

Our function does not work for 1. We have to stay a little bit off the real line.

>exp(G(1,0.0001)) / exp(G(0,1/sqrt(5)))

The result is that the maximal error grows like

Runges Counterexample

It will grow exponentially to infinity.

Interpolation in other Points

If we think about it, we see that the evenly spaced points are not optimal. It would be better, if omega was much larger in a than in [-1,1]. The solution is to use the zeros of the Chebyshev polynomials.

>xp=chebzeros(-1,1,20); yp=f(xp); dd=divdif(xp,yp); ...
 plot2d("f(x)",color=blue,r=1); ...
 plot2d(xp,yp,points=true,style="+",add=true,color=red); ...

Runges Counterexample

We see thant the approximation looks really good. this is confirmed, if we look at the error.


Runges Counterexample

The error is about 0.0003.

In fact, the level line of omega now goes around the interval [-1,1].

>plot2d("log(abs(om(x+I*y)))",r=1.2,contour=true,levels="thin"); ...
 plot2d([-1,1],[0,0],thickness=3,color=red,add=true); ...

Runges Counterexample

The limit distribution is called the Green's function of [-1,1].

Runges Counterexample

with G(z)=0 if z converges to [-1,1]. G(z) is somewhat complicated to compute. We define the Joukowski mapping

Runges Counterexample

which maps the outside of the unit circle to the outside of [-1,1].

>function J(w) &= (w+1/w)/2;

If we plot this, we see the level lines of G.

>r=linspace(1,2,20); phi=linspace(0,2pi,80)'; w=r*exp(phi*I); ...
 plot2d(J(w),r=1.2);  ...

Runges Counterexample

We have

Runges Counterexample

We can make this a function, at least for the right half plane. For this we take the correct solution of w=G(z).

>&solve(J(w)=z,w), function G(z) &= log(abs(w with %[2])); $'G(z)=G(z)
                            2                 2
             [w = z - sqrt(z  - 1), w = sqrt(z  - 1) + z]

Runges Counterexample

The problem with this approach is that the function takes the wrong branch of the square root function for re(x)<0.


Runges Counterexample

We fix it by observing that G must be symmetric to the imaginary axis.

>function Gt(z) := G(abs(re(z))+I*im(z))
>plot2d("Gt(x+I*y)",r=1.2,levels="thin");  ...

Runges Counterexample

Indeed, for 50 points our omega is very close to G.

>xp=chebzeros(-1,1,50); ...

Our error of approximation decreases exponentially with the following gamma.


For n=20, we expect the following order of magnitude.

